We will appraise all items to be sold and at our discretion, we will mark priceson them using stickers, tags or signs that we will provide.
We will organize, arrange and display all items to be sold in the home and it's entire contents inside and outside for the estate sale.
We will arrange for appropriate advertisements regarding the sale to appear in the approriate medias regarding your sale.
Disposal of Unsold Items
There will be unsold items at the conclusion of the sale. Unsold items become the property of Martin's Upscale Estate Sales LLC-to do with at our disposal.
Welcome to Upscale! We are an estate sales company based in the Greenville, South Carolina area. Our mission is to provide you with the highest level of customer service. We understand that each one of our clients is unique, and we work closely with them to develop solutions that meet their specific needs. We offer a wide range of services, including organizing, pricing, advertising, and disposal of items. Thank you for considering Upscale for your estate sale needs. Contact for a free consultation.
Should we pawn or sell anything before hand?
NO. Pawn shops or online shoppers will offer you a fraction of what your items are worth.You will net far more money selling your items with Upscale than you will selling them to a jewelry store or pawns shop.
How do we begin planning a estate sale?
Simply reach out to your local Upscale team. We are happy to answer your questions and talk through any concerns you may have!
How do you know how to price the items?
Many items are common to each sale and we know their current market value. Items we do know the value of,we research or call experts to help us. We have at our disposal gold,sterling,glassware,gun,mineral/rock,and other experts. We also have an appraiser we contact to help us with unusual or rare items.